News Archive

The Grinch who stole a Christmas tree

The Grinch who stole a Christmas tree

Enjoying the winter wonderland

Enjoying the winter wonderland

Winter wonderland getting an icy crust

Winter wonderland getting an icy crust

More snow, wind coming

More snow, wind coming

Water main break near 85th and Greenwood

Water main break near 85th and Greenwood

Canceled: Greenwood Park work party

Canceled: Greenwood Park work party

Road crews tackling ‘secondary’ arterials

Road crews tackling ‘secondary’ arterials

Check to see if your bus is running

Check to see if your bus is running

Snow photos around Phinney Ridge, Greenwood

Snow photos around Phinney Ridge, Greenwood

Snow finally arrives, schools close

Snow finally arrives, schools close

Seattle man to run to all 27 libraries in one day

Seattle man to run to all 27 libraries in one day

Phinney/Ballard appear in film to premiere at Sundance

Phinney/Ballard appear in film to premiere at Sundance

Ken’s Market expansion appeal set for Jan. 9

Ken’s Market expansion appeal set for Jan. 9

Schools close in advance of snow

Schools close in advance of snow

Protect your pets from freezing weather

Protect your pets from freezing weather

‘Pathway of Lights’ pix online

‘Pathway of Lights’ pix online

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

‘Man vs. Food’ filming at Red Mill

‘Man vs. Food’ filming at Red Mill

Inaugural art walk wards off the elements

Inaugural art walk wards off the elements

Drain those faucets, wrap those pipes before Saturday night

Drain those faucets, wrap those pipes before Saturday night

Learn to be a beekeeper at free class

Learn to be a beekeeper at free class

New building to replace Roosters, Daily Planet?

New building to replace Roosters, Daily Planet?

New Noodles to open in old record store spot on Greenwood Avenue

New Noodles to open in old record store spot on Greenwood Avenue

Santoro’s Books holiday party Saturday night

Santoro’s Books holiday party Saturday night