News Archive

Help bring sidewalks to Greenwood

Help bring sidewalks to Greenwood

Addie is Pet of the Week

Addie is Pet of the Week

Storm cloud over Phinney Ridge

Storm cloud over Phinney Ridge

Neighborhood Art Up Artwalk is tonight

Neighborhood Art Up Artwalk is tonight

New baby penguin stars on YouTube

New baby penguin stars on YouTube

Art Up Artwalk Friday night in Greenwood-Phinney

Art Up Artwalk Friday night in Greenwood-Phinney

Greenwood Park remodel needs volunteers

Greenwood Park remodel needs volunteers

Swapapalooza lets women trade their clothes for new (used) duds

Swapapalooza lets women trade their clothes for new (used) duds

PNA needs new director for PNA Kids! program

PNA needs new director for PNA Kids! program

What are your favorite neighborhood walks?

What are your favorite neighborhood walks?

Summer Streets returns to Greenwood-Phinney Aug. 13

Summer Streets returns to Greenwood-Phinney Aug. 13

Greenwood author in new urban legends anthology

Greenwood author in new urban legends anthology

Second chance for used kids gear at preschool co-op sale

Second chance for used kids gear at preschool co-op sale

Garbage collection schedule normal on Tuesday

Garbage collection schedule normal on Tuesday

Construction on new Grean Bean to start Monday

Construction on new Grean Bean to start Monday

Zoo’s new West Entrance opens May 1

Zoo’s new West Entrance opens May 1

4 teens arrested for breaking into, vandalizing Viewlands Elementary

4 teens arrested for breaking into, vandalizing Viewlands Elementary

Garbage schedule normal today

Garbage schedule normal today

Greenwood house fire quickly extinguished

Greenwood house fire quickly extinguished

Pet of the Week is Sophie Mae

Pet of the Week is Sophie Mae

Mariners mojo extends to motorcycle

Mariners mojo extends to motorcycle

Summer camp registration open for PNA members

Summer camp registration open for PNA members

First penguin hatches at Woodland Park Zoo

First penguin hatches at Woodland Park Zoo