Ken’s Market project up for appeal

by | Nov 6, 2008

Four appeals of the proposed Ken’s Market expansion have been filed with the Seattle Hearing Examiner.

Each of the appeals take various aspects of the Seattle Planning Department’s written decision (.pdf file) to task. Everything from traffic impacts, to concerns about there being enough parking (and that parking being across the street), to the basement of the house behind the store being used for storage, to questioning whether the expansion conforms to the Greenwood/Phinney neighborhood Design Guidelines.

The Seattle Hearing Examiner’s office provided .pdf copies of the appeals for the business at 7219 Greenwood Ave. N, which you can view here:
Appeal 1, Appeal 2, Appeal 3, Appeal 4. UPDATE: Hang tight, we’re having technical difficulties setting these up for downloading… OK, it should be working now. Post a comment if it’s not.

Two are from residents on NW 73rd, one a resident on 65th and one from a former tennant displaced by the expansion. Demolition work is now under way.

According to a hearing examiner’s office employee, a pre-hearing is set for 9 a.m., Nov. 13, to give the parties a chance to “to consider identification, clarification and simplification of the issues, the disclosure of witnesses and exhibits to be presented, motions, and other matters as appropriate for the orderly and expeditious disposition of the proceedings.”

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