85th St. Market opens

by | Feb 15, 2010

The 85th St. Market at the corner of NW 85th Street and 8th Avenue NW opened Friday and here’s a look inside today:

We can’t compare the convenience store to the old place – we avoided it, as did a lot commenters on some of our earlier posts. As you can see from the picture, the cheery yellow paint, new floors and new lighting brighten it up quite a bit.

Owner Chuck Shin, pictured, says they’re getting in more inventory and are at about 70 percent of where they want to be. They’ll get hot food in soon and they’ll be bringing in some dairy products as well. They’re even considering a hand-dipped ice cream station during the summer.

Two things they won’t have is malt liquor and porn, which some commenters on those earlier posts said attracted a negative element to the area.

The building has been repainted and new security lighting has been installed all around the building to further discourage loitering. There are plans to repave the parking lot this summer to further improve the visual appeal of the property.

“A lot of people have come in to say they’re glad we’re here instead of the other store,” Shin said.

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