Greenwood’s Calico Salon is hosting an art drive for the month of May for nonprofit CHOOSE 180. The donations are for their art therapy program. Calico is also accepting monetary donations to the organizations via Venmo, and committed to donating a small portion of product sales to them quarterly
“CHOOSE 180 transforms systems of injustice and supports the young people who are too often impacted by these systems. We envision a future where youthful behavior is decriminalized and young people are offered restorative practices in lieu of traditional prosecution. In place of the school-to-prison pipeline, a community will exist to help young people realize their potential and provide them with the tools necessary to achieve their goals.”
You can drop off any of the items listed below at either Calico Salon (7421 Greenwood Ave N, open Tues-Fri 9am-7pm, and Saturdays from 11am-5pm) or Dabble art studio (behind Coyle’s Bakeshop, 306 N 83rd St., 10am – 8pm Wed-Sat).
- Mixed media paper of any size
- Large rolls of paper
- Markers
- Finger paint
- Oil or chalk pastels
- Acrylic paint
- Ribbon & string
- Fabric
- Hot glue guns and sticks
- Old magazines
- Feathers, sticks and small rocks (anything small from nature)
- Watercolors
- Paintbrushes
- Colored pencils
- Poetry books
- Paint palettes
- Air-dry clay
Photo by laura adai on Unsplash