The 7th annual garden art and studio tour will be in-person, outdoors and open garage, with masks, hand-sanitizer, and social distancing. Add some unique locally made art to your garden and support artists in making more.
There will be 25 artists in 8 yards (3-6 artists at each site). Media includes glass, metal, ceramics, wood, stone and more. Here is the lineup:
1) Bridget Culligan’s Studio
5419 Kensington Pl N, 206-214-5489
glass (Bridget Culligan), ceramics (Caitlin Sullivan),
mosaics (Majken Ryherd)
2) Karen Seymour’s Studio
5415 Greenwood Ave N, 206-525-1577
glass (Karen Seymour), glass (Andi Ficker),
upcycled whimsy (Greg Delany), glass (Lael Bennett)
3) Julia Garrels’ Studio
1122 NW 46th St, 206-9415854
enameled copper(Julia Garrels), cement (Linda Thorson),
glass (Katy LaReau), metal (Gunter Reimnitz)
metal (Shannon Buckner), glass (Mariusz Rynkiewicz)
4) Jo Reid’s Studio
204 N 73rd St, 206-769-5276
ceramics (Jo Reid), wood Norm Vigus, glass (Eric Bernardi), wood+ (Jen Albright & Mo Moore)
5&6) Connie Munford’s Studio
9401 & 9401 8th Ave NE 206-729-9545
glass (Connie Munford), cement (Katherine Holzknecht),
ceramics (Terri Goodwin), upcycled glass (Robin Cantor)
7) Julie Haun’s studio
10011 Ravenna Ave. NE, 385-695-4743
Stone and tile (Julie Han), cement (Peter Godwin)
metal (Tom Williamson)
8) GĂ©raldine LeCalvez’s Studio
3222 NE 103rd St, 206-849-3864
mixed media (GĂ©raldine LeCalvez), bonsai (Lucy Davenport), ceramics (Christophe Degoix),