Volunteers needed for Business District Clean-Up: Saturday 9/12 from 9am – 11am

by | Sep 9, 2020

Help beautify our neighborhood on Saturday, September 12th from 9am – 11am. We are going to fan out from 59th and Phinney Ave N all the way to 87th and Greenwood Ave N to pick up trash.

Due to the pandemic, a lot of us in Phinney-Greenwood have stayed near home enjoying our incredible business district. A positive of that is there is more human traffic in the area, but a negative has been our normally clean district is starting to accumulate a bit of trash here and there. The Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Business Group has decided to do something about it! Please join us!

We are looking for volunteer help, and if you or anyone at your business would like to join this effort, you can sign up here. Alternately, you can contact Chris at [email protected]. We have 30 PhinneyWoodStrong shirts to give out to volunteers in various sizes, so be sure to ask for one of those when you arrive. 

Volunteers will arrive at the upper Phinney Center parking lot for a socially-distanced handing out of cleaning gear. We will have plastic gloves, trash bags, and a limited number of trash grabbers to give out. Please bring your own mask, heavy duty gloves (if you prefer them) and a broom/dustpan in case there is broken glass or other tiny items. 

Volunteers will be assigned streets to clean, so please indicate if you have a particular block or two that is special to you, or if you will be walking to your area from the PNA and don’t wish to drive.

Thank you for helping our business district stay clean and safe!

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