Haiti benefit concert donations, preschool teacher needed, Bicycle Advisory Board needs new members, Girlchoir auditions, real estate deals, vote for parks and streets budget ideas

by | Jun 26, 2018

The Phinney Neighborhood Chorus’s recent Haiti benefit concert raised $10,878 in donations, plus another $10,000 as a match. The chorus supports the Georges Marcellus School in Guerot, Haiti, through its partnership with the Mona Foundation.
Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Whittier Kids Preschool is looking for a teacher for 33 hours a week starting in the fall.
The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board is looking for new members to advise the City on our growing bicycling community. The volunteer board helps implement Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan by advising the Mayor and City Council, participating in planning and project development, evaluating policies and making recommendations to all city departments, including the Seattle Department of Transportation. Board members serve a two-year term, with an opportunity to serve a second term, meeting the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8 p.m. at City Hall. Members represent all types of bicyclists and skill levels, from casual weekend riders to year-round commuters. If interested, submit a resume and cover letter by July 4 to [email protected] with “SBAB” in the subject line.
King County Metro and King County Parks have launched their third route direct to trailheads, this one from North Bend to Mailbox Peak. Transit vans will depart every 20 minutes from a satellite lot in North Bend during weekends and holidays. The Trailhead Direct program gets more hikers to trails without crowding the parking lots and nearby roads. Trailhead Direct launched its first two routes earlier this year, offering service from the Mount Baker Transit Center to the Issaquah Alps, and from Sound Transit’s Capitol Hill Link light rail station to Mount Si. The transit vans can haul two bicycles for each trip. Passengers pay Metro’s standard off-peak adult fare of $2.50 until July 1, when Metro implements a $2.75 flat fare. Passengers can pay with an ORCA card, Transit Go Mobile ticket, or cash. Dogs may ride at the discretion of the operator under Metro’s guidelines.
Northwest Girlchoir is auditioning for new singers in grades 1-12 to join the choir in the fall.

Grades 1-2: Easy online registration is now open for girls entering grades 1-2 to join Prep Choir! Members learn music in a fun and nurturing environment as they prepare for exciting mainstage concerts. Sign up online at www.northwestgirlchoir.org/prepchoir
Grades 3-12: Fill out the Audition Request form online to join one of Northwest Girlchoir’s five progressive choir levels this Fall! Auditioned choir members enjoy performing at mainstage concerts, in the community and at special events, and even on tours. Learn more and sign up to audition at https://www.northwestgirlchoir.org/grades-3-12-choirs
Scholarships: Financial aid is available for every choir level and we encourage families to apply.
Contact [email protected] for more information or call the office at (206) 527-2900.

The Daily Journal of Commerce reports that the Greenwood Inn Apartments at 9030 Greenwood Ave. N. recently sold for $4.8 million, double what Greenwood Inn Apartments LLC paid for it two years ago; and the 17-unit Terra Apartments at 730 N. 85th St. recently sold for $5.85 million, up from its sale price of $3.2 million just three years ago.
Seattle Public Library is re-opening its submission period for its “Playback” local music collection on July 1. Seattle musicians can submit their music for consideration through July 21. Playback currently has 150 albums by local artists available for free download and streaming. See the Playback page for qualifications information.
Seattle residents have until July 16 to vote for your favorite local park and street improvement projects as part of the City of Seattle’s Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks & Streets participatory budgeting. A total of $285,000 is available in each City Council District, and residents can cast their ballots for their top three choices in the district where they live, work, go to school, receive services, or volunteer.

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