Just a reminder that Seattle Public Utilities will delay garbage, yard waste and recycling pickup by one day again this week because of New Year’s Day. So if your pickup day is normally scheduled for Monday, it all will be picked up on Tuesday, Tuesday scheduled pickups will be done on Wednesday, Wednesday pickups on Thursday, etc. Put your waste out by 7 a.m. as usual.
And you can compost your Christmas tree and other holiday greenery for free until Jan. 31 either curbside or at a transfer station. Remember to remove all decorations, tinsel, etc. If leaving your tree at the curb, you need to cut it into lengths of four-feet or shorter and bundle it with sisal string or twine. But if you take it to a transfer station it can be as long as eight feet and doesn’t need to be bundled with string. Flocked or plastic trees will be charged as extra garbage.