Re-notice issued for rezone recommendation for 7009 Greenwood Ave. N. development, appeals date extended

by | Jan 26, 2018

Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections has issued a re-notice of its previous recommendation to rezone a 12,185 square foot parcel of land at 7009 Greenwood Ave. N. from Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 40-foot height limit to Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 65-foot height limit. That will allow the “Shared Roof” housing development to be five stories tall, with 35 apartments, ground level retail and below-grade parking for 26 vehicles.
The re-notice was issued to make it more clear that Design Review is appealable, and to extend the appeal date from Jan. 30 to Feb. 8. You can file an appeal online.
You can read the full recommendation here.
A public hearing on the DCI recommendations is scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, at the Office of the Hearing Examiner, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4000. You also can mail written comments to the same address until the close of the hearing. Any appeals filed on the project will be heard at the hearing.

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