Local author’s self-published children’s book picked up by major publisher

by | Feb 14, 2017

Phinney Ridge’s Sara Crow, who self-published her children’s book “Even Superheroes Have to Sleep” in 2015 with the help of a Kickstarter campaign, will now have her book published by Penguin Random House | Double Day.

Crow first wrote “Even Superheroes Have to Sleep” when she had trouble getting her three little ones out of their superhero costumes at bedtime. She sold the books at numerous Seattle independent bookstores, and set up a table at the 2015 PhinneyWood Summer Streets festival in August of that year.

That afternoon a woman approached the table and picked up a book. She asked my plan for the book, if I had sequels in the works (six to be exact), and what I had done to promote it. At the end of our conversation she bought a book and handed me her card; she works the Amazon relationship for PRH. She asked me to send her an email with all of the information I had just rattled off. She specifically stated that she did not have a say as to which books get published, but she would get it into the right hands.

And she did.

Even Superheroes Have to Sleep will be released in hardcover March 14, 2017 and the sequel, Even Superheroes Use the Potty will be released March of 2018.

Crow will read and sign “Even Superheroes Have to Sleep” at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 12, at Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave. on Capitol Hill; and at 4 p.m. Monday, March 13, at Phinney Books, 7405 Greenwood Ave. N.

“The independent bookstores in Seattle are beyond supportive,” Crow told me by email. “I can’t speak highly enough of them.”

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