First phase of Aurora Avenue road work ends more than a week early, median lanes to reopen today

by | Feb 5, 2016

Washington State Department of Transportation crews finished the first phase of signage work more than a week early and will reopen the median lanes in both directions by early afternoon today. The southbound bus-only lane will also reopen, except at Comstock Street.

Phase two of the work to build foundations for the signs that will direct drivers to the future SR 99 tunnel will start at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8. This second phase will require a one-block closure of the southbound right lane near Comstock Street while crews construct the final sign foundation near Comstock Street. Buses will merge into the general purpose lane at this location. This should last two to three weeks.

Since buses will merge into the general-purpose lanes for one block during the next phase of work, there may be some backups.

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