Tax-Aide, a national free tax assistance and preparation service, is again providing free tax preparation and electronic filing at 12 North Seattle and Shoreline sites starting Feb. 1. The service is free, and there are no age restrictions or membership in AARP required. Volunteers are IRS tax-certified.
In addition to regular earned and retirement income reporting, we can help you with your investment income (interests, dividends, and capital gains for Schedule D), Schedule C for individuals with small businesses that have less than $25,000 in annual expenses, and various healthcare (Affordable Care Act), education, child and earned income credits. If you are a foreign student, come to our sites at the Northgate Library and Northeast Library. We have preparers who can help you with your 1040NR-EZ and Form 8843. If you have a more complicated return, we might not be able to prepare your return, but we can at least point you in the right direction.
All of our sites will be using electronic filing, which helps expedite tax refunds. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is offered in conjunction with the IRS. In addition to your tax documents, remember to bring picture ID, together with your social security cards if you want us to prepare your tax return.
Tax preparation sites in and near our neighborhood include:
- Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N., 206-684-4086. Tuesdays 2-7 p.m. Walk-ins only. First day is Tuesday, Feb. 2.
- Greenwood Senior Center, 525 N. 85th St., 206-297-0875. Thursdays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Appointments only. First day is Thursday, Feb. 4.
- Broadview Library, 12755 Greenwood Ave. N., 206-684-7520. Fridays 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Walk-ins only, no appointments. First day is Friday, Feb. 5.
- Ballard Library, 5614 22nd Ave. NW, 206-684-4089. Mondays 2:30-7 p.m. ; Thursdays 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Walk-ins only, no appointments. First day is Monday, Feb. 1. (The library is scheduled to close for remodeling on April 1. After construction begins, the service will move for the remainder of the season to Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th St., one block west of the library).
- Ballard Northwest Senior Center, 5429 32nd Ave. NW, 206-297-0403. Wednesdays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Appointments only. Make appointments in person or by phone. First day is Wednesday, Feb. 3.