Fifteen students from Broadview-Thomson K-8 just north of Greenwood will take part in the Seattle Arts & Lectures’ Writers in the Schools Anthology Reading & Celebration on Sept. 28. Forty-five students from other schools are also on the program.
WITS places professional local writers in public schools to help students develop their writing skills.
Broadview-Thomson students taking part in the program (some of whom will be featured readers): Kyler Hansen, Hailie A. Van den Dyssel, Zoey Brannon, Fatimah Abu Al Rub, Jonathan Amato, Theresa Rychkova, Gus Burden, Aidyn Stevens, Maya Branch, Lewis Dixon, Abdallah Abu Al Rub, Olivia King, Cooper Mahlin, Soren Bloy, and Maya Cole.
The celebration begins at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 28, at Benaroya Hall. It is free and open to the public. Student authors will sign copies of the anthology.