Seattle Tilth Chicken Coop & Urban Farm Tour is Saturday, includes two Greenwood-Phinney sites

by | Jul 7, 2015

Seattle Tilth’s 16th annual Chicken Coop & Urban Farm Tour is this Saturday, with a self-guided tour of 25 urban farms, including two in Phinney Ridge-Greenwood. The tour is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A map of sites will be provided when you purchase tickets.

The urban farms demonstrate impressive ingenuity. Urban livestock on the tour will include diverse chicken varieties, mini dairy goats, ducks, rabbits, pigs, mason bees and honey bees. You can see bountiful organic gardens, food forests, recycled materials, compost systems, wildlife gardens, rain water harvesting, solar energy systems, hugelkultur beds, rain gardens, native plants, mushrooms, permaculture design and garden art.
Many of the hosts have fun names for their sites including, The Eggplant, Robin’s Nest, Yummy Yard Farm, 41 Legs Urban Farm and City Art Farm. Hosts have vast knowledge about their urban farms and are happy to share what they’ve learned so others can participate in raising a bounty from their own backyards.

Tickets are available online for $12 for adults, $5 for kids, with discounts for groups, bicyclists and Seattle Tilth members.

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