Licton Springs K-8, formerly called Pinehurst K-8, will host an open house and tours for prospective students this week and next. The evening open house is from 6-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 25. School tours will be from 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Feb. 19, 24 and 26, and March 3 and 5.
The tours and open house will be at the school’s temporary location in the South Wing of the Lincoln Building, 4400 Interlake Ave. N., in Wallingford. In the fall of 2017, the school will move to its new home in the Licton Springs Neighborhood, at 1330 N. 90th St.
Since Licton Springs K-8 is an option school, bus transportation will be provided for students living in the Jane Addams or Eckstein middle-school service areas, and for students in the Broadview-Thompson, Northgate, Greenwood, Bagley and Olympic View Elementary attendance areas. Seattle Public Schools provides ORCA cards for any student in grades 6-8 who lives more than two miles from their school. Click here to see the attendance area map.
If you are looking for a school that is dynamic, respectful, and student centered, while dedicated to equality, compassion, and social justice –Licton Springs K-8 may be the school for your child! Licton Springs K-8 (formerly known as Pinehurst K-8, and before that Alternative School #1), has been providing students with a hands-on, project based, social-justice curriculum since 1970, and now has a new focus on Native American experience. We are open to any student in Seattle Public Schools.
What will you find at Licton Springs K-8?
- A student-driven approach where children have the freedom to explore their interests and follow their natural curiosity, lighting a passion for learning that they will carry throughout their life.
- Hands on-projects and experiential learning methods that keep school connected to the real world, engaging students beyond the limits of the typical classroom.
- A focus on Native American heritage that honors the history, experience, culture, and world view of indigenous people, creating a supportive environment for Native students, while honoring and respecting the diverse, multi-cultural background of all our students.
- A passion for social justice and environmental education that encourages students to advocate for issues important to themselves, their community, and the world – helping them become the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.
- An emphasis on the arts, including dance through a partnership with the Pacific North Ballet, Native American carving, film studies, and other art projects. We incorporate art and creative expression throughout our curriculum.
- A commitment to fully serve and address the needs of all students, from the highly gifted to the highly challenged, in a supportive and inclusive community, and to fully support the needs of special education students.