PNA Business Group invites neighborhood business owners to business social on Wednesday

by | Jan 19, 2015

The PNA Business Group is inviting neighborhood business owners to a business social from 12-1:30 p.m. on Wednesday at The Yard Café, 8313 Greenwood Ave. N.

Woodland Park Zoo’s Director of Marketing & Corporate Relations, Jim Bennett, will share tips and tools to help business owners prepare their marketing budget for 2015.

There will be a brief presentation followed by Q&A where Jim will cover:

  • How to determine your budget.
  • How to make the most of your community involvement.
  • Common, yet often overlooked costs.
  • Best ways to advertise and take advantage of promotions.
  • Ways to make the most of discounts.

You are to pay for your own food/drink. Entry is free for PNA Business Members. If you are not already a Business Member but would like to become one to attend our events for free, please join here. Please RSVP by Monday, January 19 to [email protected].

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