Party in Greenwood Park this Saturday

by | Aug 12, 2014

The 6th annual Party in Greenwood Park is this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. between Fremont and Evanston avenues on the north side of 87th Street.

The party kicks off at 11 a.m. with a show from the Bubbleman. Kids 12 and under can play on the Pop-up Adventure Playground. Suggested donation is $2-$5 per child to help pay for materials.”No Bones About It” vegan food truck will be selling food.

The volunteer group Vision Greenwood Park is looking for volunteers to help out at the party. They need help setting up the adventure playground, for clean-up after, as well as answering general questions about the park. If you can help out, even for just one hour, please email [email protected].


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