Congregate residence proposed in north Greenwood – 36 rooms to replace single-family home

by | Aug 18, 2014

The micro-housing trend continues with yet another development proposed for 714 N. 95th St. The three-story “congregate residence” will replace a single-family home with four residences of nine rooms each, for a total of 36 rooms. In keeping with current Department of Planning and Development rules, no parking will be provided.

714 N 95th St-exterior-resized

Micro-housing includes up to eight sleeping rooms with private bathrooms, with a shared kitchen or common area. Rent is typically cheaper than a studio or one-bedroom apartment, and they are located in urban village or urban center neighborhoods. Congregate residences are similar but have nine or more sleeping rooms similar to dormitories and some types of senior housing.

The city is currently reviewing rules for micro-housing, due to neighborhood backlash, especially due to the lack of parking required. A “stakeholder working group” was convened after a May 19 city council meeting on proposed changes to the development rules. That group – made up of residents, and developers – has been working through the summer and is scheduled to make recommendations to the city council in September.

DPD is accepting comments only on the environmental determination of the 714 N. 95th St project through Aug. 27. The comment period may be extended to Sept. 10 by written request.

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