The Greenwood Community Council meets from 7-8:30 p.m. tonight (Tuesday) at the Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N. The major topic on the agenda is Seattle Department of Transportation’s upcoming project of transit improvements and new sidewalks on Greenwood Avenue between North 90th and 105th streets. SDOT representatives will present their plans during the meeting and answer questions.
Neighborhood residents are encouraged to attend the meeting to discuss how sidewalk designs will impact on-street parking, and how to balance improvements for bikes and buses vs. impacts to drivers.
From GCC:
The transit improvements are intended to remove the need for buses to wait for traffic to clear before they pull back into traffic after stopping for passengers. Instead of pulling out of traffic, the buses would stop in-lane, and cars would wait while passengers get on and off the bus. Bicycles would be routed behind a bus “island” so they could continue without stopping behind the buses, similar to the operation on Dexter Ave. N. This is a somewhat controversial approach worth discussion.
Also on the agenda will be an update on the proposed park across the street from the library on Greenwood Avenue and 81st Street, and an update on micro-housing and low-rise development regulations.