Thieves break into apartment complex garage, steal from at least 10 storage units

by | Mar 24, 2013

Ethan tells us someone broke into the Waterford North apartment complex at North 90th Street and Phinney Avenue North, sometime Friday night or early Saturday morning, and stole from at least 10 storage units.

We’re not sure how the garage was accessed (they likely came in and hid after a car arrived/departed). This is an important reminder to wait and watch as your garage door closes as you leave/arrive.

Many (at least 10) storage units were broken into with bolt cutters. Seems like they made off with whatever they could find and carry (things like snowboards, a sewing machine and even some china). With the amount of storage units broken into, the offenders must have had some time on their hands in the garage. The crime was reported to the police and there is an incident report in the works. If anyone saw suspicious activity Friday night/Saturday morning, tips would be appreciated.

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