Solarize Seattle: Northwest is hosting a one-hour orientation meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6523 Phinney Ave. N., Room 6.
Solarize Seattle is a group purchase program that offers free workshops and solar assessments, plus discounts and financing help for homeowners who want to add solar power to their homes. The Northwest program is open to residents and businesses in the following zip codes: 98103, 98107, 98117, 98133 and 98177.
It’s funded by Seattle City Light, and managed by the nonprofit Northwest SEED (Sustainable Energy for Economic Development). It’s also supported by the PNA, Sustainable Greenwood-Phinney, Phinney Ridge Community Council, Greenwood Community Council, Green Lake Community Council, Wallingford Meaningful Movies, and Sustainable Seattle.
Solarize workshops will begin in early 2013.