Phinney Ridge muralist paints ‘graffiti’ on Aurora fence at business owners’ request

by | Aug 14, 2012

Phinney Ridge resident Emily Gussin tells us she painted a graffiti-looking mural on a fence at Aurora Avenue North and North 47t Street. Gussin says the fence was constantly covered in graffiti, and she thought that a graffiti-looking mural could work to prevent more graffiti.

Here’s a portion of the mural.

I did the mural…after having talked with the business owners for a few weeks. They were sick of having to re-paint the fence every week or so to cover up tags, so they allowed me to put up ‘graffiti as graffiti prevention’. I am trying to work with other businesses who have walls or fences that get hit with tags often, because murals are one of the best ways to prevent that vandalism. I…am talking with a few other business owners at the moment, I just completed another one in the UDistrict. I am hoping to get a few more walls done before summer is up.

If anyone is interested in such a mural, please contact Emily Gussin at [email protected].

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