‘Parking Lot Playday’ at Top Ten Toys on Thursday

by | May 23, 2012

Top Ten Toys is hosting a “Parking Lot Playday” from 3-4 p.m. on Thursday, at 104 N. 85th St.

Wanna play some Four-Square? Wanna dominate some hopscotch? Wanna shoot some Stomp Rocket rockets onto our roof?

Well come on down to what we’re hoping to be a sunny day and do it all! We’ll section off a portion of our parking lot and draw up some nice, chalky activities for everyone to participate in!

P.S. If its raining like crazy, we’ll have a backup arts and crafts play day. Glitter Tattoos, Paper Airplanes, maybe even some pine-cone bird feeders! Either way, we’ll have some fun!

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