Metro Transit is proposing to change bus Route 5 service north of North 105th Street, but will keep the current routing south of 105th when it implements changes this fall.
According to Metro, all Route 5 trips would begin and end at Shoreline Community College. Riders wishing to get to Northgate would need to transfer to a revised Route 18. The Route 5 Express service will not change.
Last fall, Metro had proposed revising the route to use Fremont Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North instead of Aurora Avenue North, but decided against it after receiving community input. However, Metro will consider those changes again after the RapidRide E Line launches in 2013.
Metro estimates the time between Route 5 buses as 15 minutes during both peak and off-peak hours during weekdays, between 15-30 minutes at night, 15 minutes on Saturdays, and 30 minutes on Sundays.
You can weigh in on the proposed changes at another public forum from 6-8 p.m. Monday at Ballard High School.