Seattle Met names Phinney-Greenwood one of top 20 neighborhoods to live in

by | Mar 28, 2011

Seattle Met’s latest issue proclaims Phinney-Greenwood as one of the top 20 Seattle neighborhoods in which to live. And the author seems to give a whole lotta credit to PhinneyWood for bringing the two neighborhoods together, but we all know we were super close pals long before that.

In case you haven’t heard, Phinney and Greenwood like each other. Like, they like each other. They started blowing kisses at each other years ago. Then they hooked up in July 2008 when Dale Steinke and Doree Armstrong launched the neighborhood blog. And this summer, well, they want to get hitched.
No really. Members of the Phinney Neighborhood Association and the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce are kicking around the idea of having the communities tie the knot August 12, as their third annual joint street party mobs Greenwood Avenue North. If it happens, it would be a mock civil ceremony to join the platonically involved neighbors; the city doesn’t have any plans to officially merge them. But the sentiment is real. “Our neighborhoods are too small to be promoted by themselves,” says Sheri Hauser, owner of the year-old Phinney-based art gallery and collectible store Tasty. “It would be a real shame not to unite and have a bigger voice.”

You can read the full article here.

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