Registration is now open for Katy Webber’s early childhood music classes, Katy’s Musikal Magik, at the Phinney Neighborhood Center. A professional musician with a degree in jazz performance, Webber’s classes incorporate movement, getting comfortable with various instruments, and improving listening skills through sound identification.
Classes include Infant/Toddler Music, for ages 1 month to 3 years; Infant Music Development, for ages 1-17 months; and Toddler Music Development, for ages 18 months to 3 years. Classes are $50-$60 depending on the session. Drop-in rates are $12 per class.
For more information, see her website. To register, email [email protected] or call 206-729-3412.
Webber also teaches classes at the Green Lake, Ballard and Northgate community centers.