4 bikes stolen from inside Phinney garage

by | Jan 18, 2011

Melanie sent us a note about someone breaking into her garage to steal bicycles:

Sometime on Friday night, Jan 14th, someone broke into our garage, located near 78th & Dayton. They stole four bicycles, but abandoned one at 75th & Dayton because it had flat tires. We’re guessing it was at least two people on foot, each riding and towing a bike next to them because one of the bikes they made off with was missing a seat!
A HUGE kudos to the kind neighbor who found my bike in their yard and called it in to the UW police, with whom I had registered it. The UW police got in touch with me Saturday and my bike is back in my possession. My roommates were not so lucky. If anyone heard or saw anything around that area on Friday night, please report it to the police.

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