Work begins on 8th Ave & NW 73rd St crosswalk

by | Sep 16, 2010

Seattle Department of Transportation crews started work this morning on the new crosswalk across 8th Avenue NW and NW 73rd St. Here they’re creating a new curbcut that will make it easier for wheelchairs and strollers.

Nearby residents have long complained about the safety of crossing 8th Avenue NW, because NW 73rd St. is offset by about 100 feet from the east and west sides of 8th, making it appear that you’re crossing mid-block instead of at the corner.
An SDOT survey found that nearly 30 people cross at that intersection during peak commute times, to reach the number 28 bus stops on either side. Children from several nearby daycares and a preschool also use that intersection frequently.
The new marked crosswalk will include one new curb ramp on the east side of 8th Avenue NW, and two new curb ramps on the west side.

New pedestrian crossing signs will be installed, as well as “No Parking within 30 feet” parking restriction signs. SDOT estimates the work will last a maximum of five days.

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