Roundup of this and that

by | Aug 23, 2010

A little of this and a little of that from our email inbox.
North Seattle Fives Preschool Co-op has two openings for girls for this fall’s class. The school is located in St. John United Lutheran Church on Phinney Avenue, right across from the west entrance to the Woodland Park Zoo. Contact the registrar, Annie Rodak, at 206-297-8353, or check out the website.
Taproot Theatre is launching a new Professional Actor Conservatory for adults for its fall quarter.

Going Deeper with the Basics, the first class offered by Taproot’s Professional Actor Conservatory, provides adults with scene work study that will help them delve into characters and deepen their storytelling skills. Taught by Los Angeles actor and director Marianne Savell, students will learn techniques and skills from a master storyteller that will unlock new doors in their performance ability.
Registration forms and class descriptions are available online at, or contact Taproot’s Acting Studio at (206) 529-3668 or [email protected].

Sustainable Ballard is hosting a meeting from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the Ballard Library for neighbors to share their ideas with the Seattle City Council on how to reduce carbon emissions and conserve resources. Ideas will be presented to the city council in September as part of a city-wide effort to make Seattle a carbon neutral city. A representative from Council Member Mike O’Brien’s office will be on hand to answer questions about the Carbon Neutral Seattle initiative. If you can’t attend the meeting, you can take a survey here.
Polly-Glot Tots is expanding its child foreign language classes in French, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese at the Phinney Neighborhood Center.

Our classes are parent/child language immersion filled with songs, games, arts and crafts and much more.
Foreign language learning helps your children to become smart and better learners. Foreign language ability helps with math and analytical skills and English literacy. And that is not all. Language ability requires deep practice, like music learning. Deep practice builds myelin which helps speed up data transmission and our ability to retain information.

And visit any Polly-Glot Tots story time, in French, Spanish, Mandarin or Japanese, and enter to win free tuition for the fall quarter – a value of more than $200. See the story time schedule.
Lilli Ann Carey provides partner dance classes in Greenwood and Green Lake through Dance for Joy. Couples and singles are welcome.

A wonderful way to meet people – healthy, active and playful. Clear fun instruction – folks with two left feet are welcome! Be ready for that holiday party, wedding or better yet, to go out dancing on Saturday night!

On Thursdays starting on Sept. 16, she’ll teach Waltz 2-Classics/Viennese and Waltz 3-Advanced Cross-step Waltz at Sonny Newman’s Dance Hall at 201 N. 85th St., upstairs. She’s offering 2-for-1 discounts or half-price for new dancers. Call Lilli Ann at 206-264-5646, or see the website
David wants to remind people how to help keep mosquitos away, after he noticed a big increase in the pesky critters lately.

Phinney/Greenwood is high enough uphill and far enough away from natural bodies of water that we really shouldn’t have very many mosquitoes at all. When we first moved to the neighborhood we didn’t really notice a problem. For instance very few neighborhood houses have screen windows or doors. In the last two or three years they seem to be increasing though.
One big culprit, I suspect, is the big plastic rain barrels a lot of us have started attaching to downspouts for late-summer garden watering…The three most-common tips I’ve found while Googling around this morning are a) correctly install the screening that comes with most commercially produced rain barrels, b) add one or two mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), guppies or even goldfish, or c) add mosquito pellets. Although there’s also d) actually use the water in your rain barrel to water your garden! Mosquitoes can’t grow when you empty your rain barrel… but your garden will!

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