PhinneyWood joins ‘The Conversation’ on KUOW 94.9 FM Friday afternoon

by | Sep 25, 2009

KUOW 94.9 FM will be discussing the proposed Fred Meyer redevelopment on 85th St. during Ross Reynolds’ 12 p.m. show, The Conversation, on Friday. I’ll be a guest on the show, talking about the neighborhood’s views on the project. I’m told the segment will air somewhere between 12:10 and 12:20 p.m.
Fred Meyer is proposing to replace its current two-story store and the Greenwood Market (which will close) with a 160,000-170,000 square feet one-story supercenter. The $77 million project would also include an 800-stall, three-story parking garage with three stories of residential on top (along 87th St.); two stories of residential units along 85th and 3rd; about 20,000 square feet of retail space for tenants other than Fred Meyer; open space near the main entrance along 1st Ave. NW. and a tiny pocket park adjacent to the bus stop on 85th.

Fred Meyer hopes to start construction in late 2011 or early 2012; construction would take 18-24 months.
Fred Meyer will present revamped design options to the Design Review Board at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Ballard High School Library. We’ll have a full report after the meeting.

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