Citylink provides city-wide info

by | Sep 27, 2009

The city of Seattle has launched a new website that provides a network of news feeds from 11 city departments, including utilities, parks, police and fire.
Citylink lets anyone check on the latest news about Department of Transportation projects, Seattle Police Department Blotter crimes and power outages on one page, instead of having to check each department’s web page separately. (You can bet PhinneyWood will make use of this too!)
The 11 newsfeeds are:

  • Power Lines: News and updates from Seattle City Light
  • SPD blotter: News and updates from the Seattle Police Department
  • On the Move: Advisories from the Seattle Department of Transportation
  • At Your Service: Seattle Public Utilities news and events
  • Fire Line: News and updates from the Seattle Fire Department
  • Building Connections: Seattle Department of Planning and Development news
  • Art Beat: Seattle Arts and Cultural Affairs news and events
  • Center Spotlight: Seattle Center news and events
  • The Scoop: Seattle Animal Shelter news and events
  • Parkways: Seattle Parks and Recreation news and events
  • Bottom Line: News and updates from Seattle’s Office of Economic Development

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