The volunteer group Vision Greenwood Park is throwing a sixth anniversary party for Greenwood Park on Sunday, Aug. 30, and they’re looking for volunteers to help out on the day of the event.
They need food servers, BBQ grill masters, setup and takedown helpers, and go-fers to pick up donations around town. They’re also looking to borrow some large coolers, the larger the better. More details on the party to come.
The party is designed to bring neighbors together to get to know each other, and to give their input on the future of the park.
Vision Greenwood Park received a Department of Neighborhoods award to fund a second round of park planning, including the two vacant properties on the Fremont Avenue side, which are currently owned by the Parks Department, as well as the two center properties that are currently privately owned, but on Parks’ “wish list” for purchase if/when they become available.
If you’re interested in volunteering for the party, please contact Loretta.