DOT update on Greenwood Ave construction

by | Jul 30, 2009

If you’ve traveled on Greenwood Avenue north of 105th/Holman Road lately, you’ve seen all the construction and probably experienced some slow downs because of it. The Department of Transportation sent an update to remind us of some of the traffic restrictions. The project is scheduled to be done at the end of October.

  • One lane of traffic in each direction on Greenwood Avenue from N. 105th St. to N. 112th St. will be open during general work hours (7 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • During non-working hours, two lanes will usually be open in one direction and one lane in the other. There may be times in the evenings, however, when traffic is restricted to one lane in each direction.
  • There will be no on-street parking in the work zones, and access to driveways may be temporarily restricted. Emergency access will be maintained.

Construction crews are demolishing the existing pavement on Greenwood and then pouring new concrete pavement. Crews are starting on the west side of the roadway at N. 105th Street and will move northward. They’re also installing new sidewalks, street trees and lighting. For more information, check out the project’s web site.

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