More news blogs for nearby neighborhoods

by | Jan 23, 2009

Seems like everybody is jumping on the bandwagon of “hyper local” news blogs. Besides PhinneyWood’s sister sites in Ballard, Queen Anne, Magnolia and Fremont, new blogs (not affiliated with PhinneyWood) have sprung up in Wallingford and Interbay.
Interbay is struggling with some interesting growth challenges lately, since it’s nestled between Magnolia and Queen Anne and has a history of industrial uses, but is also slated to get a ton of housing in the next few years. It’s also a potential site for a new King County jail.
Wallyhood – a new Wallingford blog run by Jordan Schwartz and now linked on the left side of our home page – is not only informative, it’s absolutely hilarious, as Jordan takes a very personal look at all things Wallingford.
Any other neighborhood news blogs you love?

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