Phinney chorus wins Figgy Pudding caroling contest

by | Dec 8, 2008

Phinney Neighborhood Chorus took home the award for “Best Choral Group” at last Friday’s annual Great Figgy Pudding Caroling Contest at Westlake Center. The 70-member group won for its unique version of “Sleigh Ride Together,” which twisted the lyrics from “Giddy yap, giddy yap, giddy yap, let’s go, let’s look at the show – we’re riding in a wonderland of snow,” to “Pony up, Pony up, pony up, let’s go, let’s raise us some dough – for the hungry and needy don’t you know.”
Figgy Pudding is a fundraiser for the Pike Market Senior Center and Downtown Food Bank. The Phinney Chorus raised $3,000 for the cause – the third highest amount among the more than 40 groups entered in the competition.

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