Looking for a vet?

Joshuaryoung put up a post in our new forum asking about where to find a good veterinarian and he got several good responses from karen, etta, PAS915, biophile and dbean. If you’re looking for a good pet doctor, check out the forum thread.
TV crew at Gordito’s today

TV crew at Gordito’s today

King-TV’s Evening Magazine sent a crew to Gordito’s today to tape a segment for their upcoming Best of Western Washington special. Gordito’s is known for their gigantic double burritos that are often compared to the size of a baby. So the producer,...

Hungry, hungry hippos at the zoo

Woodland Park Zoo’s annual Pumpkin Bash is this weekend, but zookeepers are getting a head start by tossing a bunch of gourds into the hippos’ enclosure on Thursday at 10 a.m. That one’s really a photo op for local media to promote Saturday and...

Greenwood Park P-Patch proposal

A P-Patch/community garden could replace one of two vacant lots on the east side of Greenwood Park on Fremont Avenue. Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Department of Neighborhoods is holding a public meeting 7 p.m., Nov. 3. at the Greenwood Senior Center to discuss...