Kelly Davis and Beegee Tolpa want to start a new tradition of homeowners lighting up not only their homes but their yards, fences, mailboxes, street signs, garbage cans, driveways and anything else they can think of this holiday season. They’re calling this new tradition the Greenwood Phinney Wacktastic Light Show.
There’s even a contest for the most wacktastic home. Contestants should keep their lights up for the entire month of December. Judging will take place Dec. 17, and on Dec. 21, you can join the Judging Ceremony Party at the Phinney Neighborhood Center.
The three celebrity judges are Robynne Raye of Modern Dog Graphic Design on Greenwood Avenue, Rocketman Houllahan (mascot for the Rat City Rollergirls), and Jennifer Worick, Seattle author of “The Prairie Girl’s Guide to Life” and “Nancy Drew’s Guide to Life.”
First, second and third place winners receive “piles of loot” from local businesses. The boundaries for the contest are: south – 65th Street, north – 105th Street, east – Aurora Avenue (west side), west – 3rd Avenue Northwest. Check out more info and contest entry form here.