Forum on Move Seattle transportation levy Monday in Greenwood

by | Sep 29, 2015

The Greenwood Community Council Transportation Committee is hosting a forum from 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 5, at Works Progress, 115 N. 85th St., Suite 202, about the Move Seattle levy proposal on the November ballot.

In 2006, Seattle voters approved a nine-year $365 million transportation levy, known as Bridging the Gap, which will expire at the end of 2015. For the last eight years, this levy provided the Seattle Department of Transportation with nearly 25% of it’s funding with funds being used to address maintenance backlogs, improve transit service, rehabilitate bridges, and implement pedestrian safety projects throughout the city.

This November Seattle voters will vote on a new transportation levy that will replace Bridging the Gap. The replacement levy proposal, called “Move Seattle,” will fund an array of transportation projects throughout the city with the goals of reducing congestion, increasing safety, and improving aging infrastructure.

The $900 million Move Seattle levy would be paid for through a property tax that would cost the median Seattle household (approx. $450,000) about $275 per year for nine years.

We will be hosting a panel of representatives from the Let’s Move Seattle campaign who will make a brief presentation of what is in the levy proposal and what projects are specifically planned for North Seattle. We will also reserve plenty of time for questions from the audience.

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