7-year-old boy curates latest art show at Bherd Studios

by | Mar 26, 2011

Greenwood’s Bherd Studios is preparing its latest show, “Monsters & Aliens,” opening on April 8. But much of the work is being done by 7-year-old Zinn Bellevie, an art lover and, now, curator.

Zinn Bellevie looks at some of the art he chose for the latest show at Bherd Studios.
“Monsters & Aliens” features the urban contemporary work of Seattle artists Kevin Gosselin, Justin Hillgrove, Solace, and John Osgood (co-owner of Bherd Studios).
From Bherd Studios:

Bellevie is a 7 year old art enthusiast who has been attending art shows for over 2 years now. His inspiration for this exhibit “Monsters & Aliens” is based on his attraction to these characters and the freedom it gives artists to create them. He said that there is really no wrong way to make them look. He hand-picked the artists due to his familiarity of their work and knowing that they would be the right fit for this theme.
His parents were surprised at first when Bellevie started recognizing work by different artists, remembering their names, and having no compunction whatsoever about walking up to them and introducing himself. He wanted to know more about their art and how they came up with their ideas. One of the artists he befriended in this way was John Osgood, co-owner of Bherd Studios, who was impressed by Zinn’s inquiries and maturity for his age. Bherd Gallery’s approach to art is meant to be accessible at all levels, and what better way to illustrate this than to invite Bellevie to curate a show for the gallery.
Bellevie’s parents said that Seattle art and artists have been a really important part of growing his confidence and sense of belonging, as Bellevie has struggled with Asperger’s Syndrome. It has been difficult for him to socialize with his peers and a lot of sensory input that most people take for granted, totally overwhelms him. However, he enjoys looking at art and has found a talent in networking with adults in the art community.

“Monsters & Aliens” has its opening night reception from 6-10 p.m. on Friday, April 8, during the monthly Phinney-Greenwood Art Walk. It will remain on display through May 6. Bherd Studios is inside the Greenwood Collective, 8537 Greenwood Ave. N. Suite 1.

“Migration” by Justin Hillgrove.

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