Satay Bar re-opens after 3 month hiatus

by | Mar 20, 2023

The well-loved Satay Bar, located at 8317 Greenwood Ave N, has re-opened after temporarily shuttering earlier this year. According to ownership, Satay Bar reached a breaking point due to lack of available staffing and were not able to continue until they had a chance to hire and train enough people to keep the doors open and maintain their high level of quality.

They have re-opened with a consolidated menu due as they continue to staff up, and are asking the community to refer any qualified cooks or cashiers who are looking for a good place to work to them.

Satay Bar’s lead chefs hail from Bangkok where they were street-food vendors who learned the art of Thai cuisine from their parents and grandparents. They are now open from 11am-3pm and 4pm to 8pm Tuesday- Sunday. Drop on by and help support this small family business!

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