Attempted break-in on NW 88th this morning – did anyone see anything?

by | Dec 18, 2014

Nick tells us someone tried to break in to his house this morning around 8:15 while he was home. Did anyone see the suspect?

Luckily I was home asleep and scared him off. I was awoken by banging noises and realized what it was. I got to my back door and he had broken a window in the door and was reaching for the lock. I yelled and he ran to the front yard hopping two fences and fled east on NW 88th. Unfortunately without my glasses and the fact that he was in an all out sprint the only details I have on his appearance are that he was a black male in dark clothing. As I was running back to my bedroom to get some clothes I heard a car door slam and I rushed back to the front window. I saw a black BMW drive off from the front of my house and then head north on 8th. Police were called and showed up promptly. We do what we can to prevent break ins, nothing of value in plain view, curtains closed, barky dogs (who happened not to be home with me today).

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