Neighborhood news: stolen truck, meal sharing app, burn ban, new karate studio

by | Nov 19, 2014

UPDATE: The truck has been found.

Stolen F250 pickup 11-19-14-resizedLogan’s 2003 Ford F250 truck was stolen from Aurora Avenue near Fremont late Friday or early Saturday. It’s gray, with Washington license plate B65535Y. If you’ve seen it, please call the police and put a note in comments below.

Emerald City Karate in Fremont is moving to Greenwood. Remodeling is currently underway at the new dojo at 8314 Greenwood Ave. N., a few doors down from the Greenwood Post Office. We’ll keep you posted on when adult and kids classes are scheduled to begin.

A meal-sharing app called DYNE has launched in Greenwood and Phinney Ridge and other neighborhoods. DYNE allows neighbors to host a meal in their home with a set price; guests use the app to book a table. DYNE’s community growth manager, Derak Wolcoski, lives in Greenwood. “So far, Greenwood and Phinney Ridge have seen events hosted by professional chefs, urban farmers, a mushroom forager, a dietician specializing in vegan cuisine and a pastry chef / small batch ice cream maker – yum!” he said in an email.

UPDATE: The burn ban has been lifted as of 6 a.m. Thursday.

Earlier: The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency issued a Stage 2 Burn Ban for King County, starting at noon today. The ban is expected to be lifted at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

The front expected this evening is showing rain and winds that will clear the air. However, daytime winds
will not be sufficient to significantly reduce pollution levels in King and Pierce counties, especially in areas where wood burning is common.

Snohomish County is expected to have earlier daytime winds sufficient enough to reduce pollution levels, allowing the burn ban to be lifted as of noon today.

The purpose of a burn ban is to reduce the amount of pollution that is creating unhealthy air usually due to excessive wood smoke. The Clean Air Agency will continue to closely monitor the situation.

During a Stage 2 burn ban:

No burning is allowed in any wood-burning fireplaces, certified or uncertified wood stoves or fireplace inserts. Residents should rely instead on their home’s other, cleaner source of heat (such as their furnace or electric baseboard heaters) for a few days until air quality improves, the public health risk diminishes and the ban is cancelled.

The only exception is if the homeowner has a previously approved ‘No Other Adequate Source of Heat’ designation from the Clean Air Agency

No outdoor fires are allowed. This includes recreational fires such as bonfires, campfires and the use of fire pits and chimineas.

Burn ban violations are subject to a $1,000 penalty.

It is OK to use natural gas and propane stoves or inserts during a Stage 2 burn ban.

The Washington State Department of Health recommends that people who are sensitive to air pollution limit time spent outdoors, especially when exercising. Air pollution can trigger asthma attacks, cause difficulty breathing, and make lung and heart problems worse. Air pollution is especially harmful to people with lung and heart problems, people with diabetes, children, and older adults (over age 65).

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