Old Phinney Ridge friend Shop Agora returns for a popup next week

by | Apr 13, 2024

Next Wednesday April 17th, Shop Agora will return to their roots and hold a pop-up from 5-7pm Phinney Ridge! Join your neighbors for an afternoon of Mediterranean snacks and Greek wine at host Doe Bay Wine Co. at 7009 Greenwood Ave N.

Doe Bay owner Cole Sisson relays the historical context of this popup: “When I lived on Phinney Ridge back in the day Nikos and Alexis had just opened their specialty “Shop Agora” on 65th and Greenwood. Sadly, it’s no longer there but they opened an amazing outpost on Capitol Hill and we are partnering with them for snacks, spreads and dips! We have a beautiful selection available for purchase on Phinney (and Orcas soon!) and for this tasting we’re going to try a selection of Greek wines paired with their mediterranean snacks. Everything will be available for purchase. Come eat and drink and be merry with us.”

 If you would like to attend this special event, you can purchase tickets here.

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