The Phinney Ridge Community Council will be hosting a discussion with our D6 City Council Member Dan Strauss. Topics will include affordable housing policies in Phinney/Greenwood, comprehensive plan update and open questions and answers with Representative Strauss.
- Tuesday, February 1st, 7pm via zoom,
- Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 885 4069 9410; Passcode: 469562
Background information:
There is considerable conversation at the local and state level to increase occupancy and population density in order to create “affordable housing.” While Backyard Cottagers (DADU) and Mother in law Units (ADU) are now both allowed, separate ownership for each has actually increased the price of housing while decreasing tree canopy and green space.
In addition, new apartment buildings have increased their height from 40ft (4 stories) to 55 feet (5 stories) under the promise of affordable units being included. Most developers have chosen to pay a fee instead of integrating affordable units.
The Comprehensive Plan Update may suggest increasing population density in neighborhoods. The removal of century old 2-3 bedroom houses suitable for families has reduced the availability of middle income and affordable family housing in our neighborhood.
Green Lake unhoused community: Carmen Smith, UW Architecture and Urban Planning. As a graduate student, Carmen is currently working on a Master’s Thesis focused on homelessness at Green Lake/Lower Woodland Park. She would like to interview users of the park to learn about how they use the park, if/how they have been impacted by the presence of homelessness in the park, and their feelings on the situation. If you would like to schedule an interview or would like more information, please contact her at [email protected] or (360) 204-1654.