Build your own worm composting bin class this Saturday

by | Sep 27, 2021

Vermicomposting at home is one of the easiest ways for a person to divert organic waste from landfills while at the same time creating a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your home garden. Learn how to build your own 3 tray worm composting bin while enjoying the outdoors and meeting your neighbors. No skills necessary. Maximum number of participants is 6 to allow for 1:1 attention.

Taught by Tom Scott of Fremont Occasional Woodworks

Location: Phinney Center Lower Parking Lot (outside the brick building)

Class conducted outside — Dress for the weather! (Masks required). Bring a sack lunch if you like.

Hosted by the PNA Community Woodshop

Cost: $100 per person (all supplies to build the bin are included; proceeds support the PNA!)

Register by October 1 – Sign up Here

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