PNPC’s bi-annual kids’ clothing and gear sale is this Saturday, May 29th in the lower parking lot at the Phinney Neighborhood Association. Find amazing deals on gently-used clothing, shoes, toys, books, strollers, bedding, furniture, safety equipment, outdoor gear, car seats, costumes, maternity wear and more.
Avoid the stress of shopping indoors as this year’s sale will b outside. One-stop shopping for budget savvy folks. Grab your totes, a friend or two, and line up early to snag the best items. Admission and parking is always free. Find ‘PNPC Kids Sale’ on Facebook to get the latest info on the sale.
PNPC Spring Kids Sale
Saturday May 29th, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Free parking and admission
Phinney Neighborhood Association – 6532 Phinney Ave N
Lower parking lot near the brick building