Tomorrow evening (Tuesday, 5/11), the Greenwood Community Council will be presenting on and discussing “Home Zones – A Proposal to Calm Traffic in Northeast Greenwood”.
Members of the Greenwood-Phinney Greenways group will present ideas and answer your questions about the “home zone” concept and grants they’re submitting to implement a home zone in northeast Greenwood. You can learn more about their proposal by visiting their home zone website. Here’s a brief description of what they’ll cover at tomorrow’s meeting:
A group of neighbors in Greenwood has secured a Community Partnership Grant through the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to install barrel-planters along key streets with heavy traffic and at corners to make our streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and children.
What is a Homezone?
- No safe walkways in our neighborhood currently.
- Strategic interventions will re-route traffic to arterial streets.
A Home Zone is an area that is protected from lots of fast moving traffic so that streets are safe enough to walk on. Home Zones keep local access for residents, emergency access, and deliveries while discouraging cut-through traffic. Home Zones can use a variety of design improvements such as diverters, speed humps, and other elements, but focus on improvements that have the best “bang for our buck”, recognizing that Seattle’s pedestrian budget is stretched very thin. In essence, Home Zones direct thru-traffic to arterial streets that surround a neighborhood, while allowing local traffic within a neighborhood. Read more on the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways website.
Greenwood Community Council Virtual Meeting
Tuesday May 11, 7pm
To join, use this Zoom link