Learn the basics on seismic reinforcements for your older home

by | Mar 21, 2021

With many of us staying safe at home, it is more important than ever that our homes are truly safe.  Most homes built prior to 1980 need retrofitting to ensure that they stay intact on their foundations in a big earthquake.  Whether you are considering a DIY retrofit or plan to hire a contractor, Leif of Sound Seismic will teach you the “nuts and bolts” of retrofitting via Zoom: permit and engineering considerations, anchor bolts, cripple wall bracing, framing connections, hold downs, rough cost, and timeframe.  Plus, the always popular “motivational slides”!

Cost: $20 – All Proceeds Benefit the Phinney Neighborhood Association
Tuesday, March 23 – 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

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