Greenwood-Phinney Neighborhood Gift Guide debuts – BUY LOCAL!

by | Dec 12, 2020

The Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Business Group has debuted a local gift guide to get you through the next couple weeks of appreciating those that you love and appreciate this Holiday Season.

It is vital right now to support our local businesses in order to get them through the last months of the pandemic. Every dollar counts when rent and payroll come due, and we have been doing a great job getting our beloved stores and merchants this far.

The PhinneyWood Holiday Gift Guide was created by reaching out to our local retail-focused business to see if they would like to provide some thoughtful and unique options for holiday presents. In addition to brick-and-mortar shops there are a number of neighborhood home-based businesses who are participating as well – many items you might not find elsewhere are included!

Remember, for every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 will stay in the community and support your neighbors, your friends, and what we consider to be the best business district in all of Seattle. Amazon and Walmart will be there at the end of the pandemic, but businesses without local support may not! Leave the laptop behind and venture out onto Greenwood and Phinney Avenues and be a Local Champion.

In addition to these excellent tangible gifts, please also be generous with our local restaurants, yoga studios, spas, and other highly-impacted businesses. While gift certificates might not normally be the most thoughtful gift, this year they are very thoughtful.

We’re almost there, everyone – Buy Local today, tomorrow, and forever.

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